Hazrat Muhammad (SAW)
The Last Prophet of Allah,
Dear Sir,
I am one amongst your “Ummah” who want to express his respect, gratitude and thanks for what you’ve left for us to follow in order to achieve success and glory in this world and thereafter to come. You have seen sent as a blessing for all mankind who follow you and Allah Almighty has addressed in surah “Anbiyah” as:
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
“And We sent you as a blessing for all worlds. (Suratul Anbiyah 21:107)”
Your personality cannot be appraised by any words as it have been so complete and perfect by all means either as administrator or as an companion; as a leader or as a general; as a husband or as a father, in deed you have been a role model in every aspects of life and shall remain till the day of judgment. Allah in Holy Quran says:
وَإِنَّكَ لَعَلى خُلُقٍ عَظِيمٍ
“And verily, you are on an exalted standard of character. (Suratul Qalam 68:4)”
I feel myself a very blessed person to find myself Muslim and amongst your Ummah yet I feel ashamed and embarrassed as I see that Muslims are not united and they have not been following all those preaching of Islam for which you and your companions suffered a lot of hardships, difficulties and resistance from forces of evils. I can still recall one of your instructions in your last address to Muslims of Makkah. You said, “Do not bow before my grave because your ancestors used to do the same and eventually they declared the graves of their prophets as their gods.” I pray to Allah that let this not be happened with us (Amin).
Dear Sir,
I am in my teenage now and I pray to Allah that May I be blessed with honesty so to be a follower of “Sadiq & Amin”; when I’ll grow to be professional may I be blessed with sincerity & dedication so to manifest myself your true follower; when I’ll be an administrator may I be blessed with integrity and honor: when I have to do justice may I be blessed with the same strength as you did on many occasions and when I stand to offer my prayer may I be blessed with fear of Allah and obedience so that my worship should witness to Allah that I am following the path which you’ve shown to us.
If one has to know what is sacrifice, he should see to the sacrifice of Insar & Muhajrin in the way of Islam; if one has to know how to keep promise he should see to the handling over of Hazrat Abu Jandal during agreement of Hudabia and if one has to know what is forgiveness when I must say that no period of time can ever reflect any better example of forgiveness as it had been displayed by your kind and blessed character at the conquest of Makkah when you announced forgiveness to all.
The characteristics of all prophets have been blessed upon you by Allah and Allama Dr. Muhammad Iqbal offer praise to that in this manner.
الایا خیمگی خیمہ فروھل"
"کہ پیش آہنگ بیرون شد ز منزل
خرد از راندن محمل فرو ماند
زمام خویش دادم در کف دل
For faithfully,
Muhammad Shahrukh Khan
Note : This is a glimpse of the Award-Winning Letter in "A Letter to our Beloved Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) Competition" organized by Pak-Turk International Institute in March 2007. Specials regards to Sir Zain, whom without this would never had been possible.